Visit Us

Ol' Glory Heritage Farm
11018 Cemetery Road
Alden, MI 49612, USA
We are one mile East of the Helena Township Fire House.
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Our Hours
It is best to pick flowers in the cool of the day (morning & evenings after the heat breaks) as flowers are at optimal hydration. Our hours keep this in mind for the best picking experience. We have also added Thursday evening hours and a picnic service for your enjoyment this year. Picnic tables on site. Refreshments and picnic style snacks available for purchase.
- You-Pick is Open Now Monday through Saturday! 9am-Noon. Closed Sunday & Wednesdays) We are open in Saturdays now to accommodate weekend travelers and vacation guest. Stay and have a morning picnic with us after you pick a bucket of flowers and enjoy the view! Come hungry we have: Homemade Scones, Artisan Jams, Amazing Shortbread, Cheese, Crackers, Nuts, Botanic Floral Lemonade and more!
- Also Special Evening You-Pick Hours: Thursday Nights 6:30-9 pm! With Special Events happening on those nights check social media or sign up for farm email news by going back to the home page of our website.
- Picnic Service Check-In: We request that picnic customers check-in at the farm stand by 11:30 am for picnic service if possible.
- You can schedule an appointment with us for You-Pick. Call or text for Road Side Bouquets or Special Events (231-938-2499.)
- We are closed Wednesday, and Sundays. (Don't forget to call ahead if you need weekend flowers! Our Flower Cupboard Opening soon for Self-Serve.)
- 2024 Peony Season was an early one. Our Bouquet Pick ups were every Friday June 7th - 28th, 10am -12pm or by Appointment. Want to sign up for next year Call, text or stop in if you would like (231-938-2499.)